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Cũ 10-04-2011, 21:25
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Mặc định Tem - ebay - châu Á - hưu trí

- Tem đứng hàng thứ 3 trong số các đồ được mua bán trên ebay;
- Tem châu Á ở các châu khác tìm đường về quê, làm giá tăng
- Ở Anh, người hưu trí trở lại chơi tem, làm giá tăng

Philately will get you everywhere
Reported in The Daily Express

According to experts at Stanley Gibbons, the hobby is on the increase and, internationally, there is a veritable boom. Stamps are the third most traded commodity on eBay and prices rising.

In the UK the reason for this is partly because the baby boom generation, who took up philately at school, are returning to the hobby in their retirement.

"We go to a retirement show every year and we are now inundated with people who come up to us and say: 'Wow, Stanley Gibbons, I remember you guys when I was a kid.

"These are people with disposable incomes who also often have an emotional connection to stamp collecting because their fathers used to travel and they would send back letters or postcards. So while their fathers may no longer be alive, the hobby is a way to link back to them and to their childhood."

NOW there is also the demand for stamps from such countries as China and India. In China, Chairman Mao banned stamp collecting for its bourgeois connotations but since his death in 1976 and with the rise of Chinese entrepreneurs, it has been going from strength to strength. The country is now home to 18 million collectors.

"What happens when economies open up and there's an expanding middle class is that people start buying their stamps back," says Jefferies. "So a lot of stamps from China, the Middle East and India are all leaving Europe and going back to the countries they originated from and when this happens, prices rise."

Bài được vnmission sửa đổi lần cuối vào ngày 10-04-2011, lúc 21:27
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