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wwf_stamp 14-04-2009 15:36

Giá tem WWF (1983-tháng 12 năm 2009)
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Liên hệ: Vĩnh (0903650176), email: vietvinh259@gmail.com
Địa chỉ liên lạc: 1025/11A Cách Mạng Tháng 8, Phường 7, Tân Bình, Tp Hồ Chí Minh.
Số Tài khoản: 200014849453253
Ngân hàng: Eximbank

Bang gia tem WWF - 10/1/2010

Ghi chu (12/1/2010) 1 Euro = 27,600 VND & 1 USD = 0.69 Euro)

Cat. Year / Country / Description Animal Gia ban Gia ban
Euro VND
001 Sierra Leone 1983 ** Chimpanzee 2.63 72,450.00
002 Anguilla 1983 ** Sea Turtles 12.60 347,760.00
003 Hungary 1983 **, 7 values Birds of Prey 1.58 43,470.00
004 Uganda 1983 ** African Elephant 2.10 57,960.00
005 Palau 1983 ** Great Whales 1.84 50,715.00
006 Centr. Africa 1983 ** Black Rhinoceros 2.63 72,450.00
007 Belize 1983 ** Jaguar 2.89 79,695.00
Year complete 1983 ** 26.25 724,500.00
008 Laos 1984 ** Tiger 3.73 102,879.00
009 Dominica 1984 ** Birds of the Caribbean 10.50 289,800.00
010 Grenada 1984 ** Coral Reef Fish 7.88 217,350.00
011 Gambia 1984 ** Nile Crocodile 19.48 537,579.00
012 Bhutan 1984 ** Golden Langur 1.94 53,613.00
013 Brazil 1984 **, 2 values Muriqui 1.16 31,878.00
014 Upper Volta 1984 ** Cheetah 4.73 130,410.00
015 Ghana 1984 ** Bongo 3.68 101,430.00
016 Netherlands 1984 ** 1 value Giant Panda 0.37 10,143.00
017 Togo 1984 ** West African Manatee 6.83 188,370.00
Togo 1987 re-print West African Manatee 7.88 217,350.00
018 Zaire 1984 ** Okapi 2.63 72,450.00
019 Jamaica 1984 ** Jamaican Boa 21.00 579,600.00
020 Chile 1984 ** Conservation in Chile 6.83 188,370.00
021 Liberia 1984 ** Pygmy Hippopotamus 2.99 82,593.00
022 Romania 1984 ** Dalmatian Pelican 1.84 50,715.00
Year complete 1984 ** 103.43 2,854,530.00
023 Paraguay 1985 ** Ant-eating Giants 5.25 144,900.00
Paraguay reprint Ant-eating Giants 6.30 173,880.00
024 Rwanda 1985 ** Mountain Gorilla 6.30 173,880.00
025 China 1985 ** Giant Panda 1.84 50,715.00
026 Poland 1985 ** Wolf 1.31 36,225.00
027 Niger 1985 ** Desert Antelopes 7.88 217,350.00
028 Mongolia 1985 ** Bactrian Camel 3.68 101,430.00
029 Mauritius 1985 ** Pink Pigeon 15.23 420,210.00
030 Seychelles (ZES) 1985 ** Aldabra Giant Tortoise 15.75 434,700.00
Seychelles (ZES) 1987 ** Reprint Aldabra Giant Tortoise 23.63 652,050.00
031 Ivory Coast 1985 ** Zebra Duiker 19.43 536,130.00
032 Afghanistan 1985 ** Leopard 3.15 86,940.00
033 Nicaragua 1985 ** Central American Tapir 2.94 81,144.00
Year complete 1985 ** 112.67 3,109,554.00
034 Lesotho 1986 ** Lammergeier 3.10 85,491.00
035 Marshall Islands 1986 ** Coral Life 2.63 72,450.00
036 Senegal 1986 ** Dama Gazelle 2.31 63,756.00
037 Mauritania 1986 ** Mediterranean Monk Seal 3.36 92,736.00
038 Cape Verde 1986 ** Desert Island Lizards 23.63 652,050.00
039 Sri Lanka 1986 ** Ceylonese Elephant 14.96 412,965.00
040 Mali 1986 ** Giant Eland 9.45 260,820.00
041 Maldives 1986 ** Fish of the Maldives 2.47 68,103.00
042 Turks + Caicos Is. 1986 ** Turks & Caicos Ground Iguana 2.89 79,695.00
043 Saint Kitts 1986 ** Green Monkey 11.55 318,780.00
044 Cambodia 1986 ** Cambodian Cattle 4.73 130,410.00
Year complete 1986 ** 81.06 2,237,256.00
045 Congo 1987 ** Crocodiles of the Congo 3.10 85,491.00
046 Libya 1987 ** Slender-horned Gazelle 4.73 130,410.00
047 Malawi 1987 ** Wattled Crane 3.68 101,430.00
048 Comoros 1987 ** Mongoose Lemur 3.68 101,430.00
049 Antigua & Barbuda 1987 ** Antiguan Attractions 2.99 82,593.00
050 USSR 1987 ** Polar Bear 0.92 25,502.40
051 Swaziland 1987 ** White Rhinoceros 6.83 188,370.00
052 German Dem.Rep. 1987 ** European Otter 2.42 66,654.00
053 Vietnam 1987 ** Douc Langur and Black Gibbon 1.31 36,225.00
054 North Korea 1987 ** Mandarin Duck 2.05 56,511.00
055 Norfolk Island 1987 ** Green Parrot 6.83 188,370.00
056 Saint Lucia 1987 ** Saint Lucia Parrot 4.46 123,165.00
057 Zambia 1987 ** Black Lechwe 2.63 72,450.00
058 Guinea 1987 ** African Wild Dog 6.83 188,370.00
Year complete 1987 ** 52.43 1,446,971.40
059 Yugoslavia 1988 ** Brown Bear 2.89 79,695.00
060 Portugal 1988 ** Iberian Lynx 3.68 101,430.00
061 Gabon 1988 ** African Forest Elephant 5.25 144,900.00
062 Vanuatu 1988 ** Dugong 3.15 86,940.00
063 South Korea 1988 ** White-naped Crane 3.15 86,940.00
064 Austria 1988 ** 1 value European Bee-eater 0.79 21,735.00
065 Madagascar 1988 ** Primates in Peril 4.73 130,410.00
066 Bahamas 1988 ** West Indian Whistling Duck 9.45 260,820.00
067 Cameroon 1988 ** Drill 3.10 85,491.00
068 Botswana 1988 ** Red Lechwe 3.10 85,491.00
069 Algeria 1988 ** Barbary Macaque 1.89 52,164.00
070 Papua New Guinea 1988 ** Queen Alexandra's Butterfly 3.15 86,940.00
071 Mexico 1988 ** Monarch Butterfly 1.89 52,164.00
072 Fiji 1988 ** Fiji Tree Frog 8.40 231,840.00
073 British Virgin Island 1988 ** Brown Pelican 2.63 72,450.00
074 Chad 1988 ** Barbary Sheep 6.67 184,023.00
075 El Salvador 1988 ** Ocelot and Margay 3.68 101,430.00
Year complete 1988 ** 67.57 1,864,863.00
076 Tanzania 1989 ** Zanzibar Galago 3.94 108,675.00
077 Benin 1989 ** Roseate Tern 3.10 85,491.00
078 Bulgaria 1989 ** Bats of Bulgaria 1.05 28,980.00
079 Indonesia 1989 ** Orangutan 6.25 172,431.00
080 Jersey 1989 ** Jersey Wildlife 2.10 57,960.00
081 Saint Vincent 1989 ** Saint Vincent Parrot 2.99 82,593.00
082 South Yemen 1989 ** Desert Carnivores 4.73 130,410.00
083 Liechtenstein 1989 ** Conservation of Liechtenstein 1.37 37,674.00
084 Kenya 1989 ** Reticulated Giraffe 6.83 188,370.00
085 Czechoslovakia 1989 ** Czechoslovakian Amphibians 1.58 43,470.00
086 Isle of Man 1989 ** Seabirds 1.58 43,470.00
087 Cook Islands 1989 ** Birds of the Cook Islands 6.30 173,880.00
088 Pakistan 1989 ** Himalayan Black Bear 1.37 37,674.00
Year complete 1989 ** 43.16 1,191,078.00
089 Guyana 1990 ** Harpy Eagle 3.83 105,777.00
090 Bangladesh 1990 ** Gharial 2.63 72,450.00
091 Nevis 1990 ** Queen Conch 1.05 28,980.00
092 Azores 1990 ** Sao Miguel Bullfinch 2.63 72,450.00
093 Micronesia 1990 ** Birds of Micronesia 2.10 57,960.00
094 Ascension 1990 ** Ascension Frigatebird 4.04 111,573.00
095 Albania 1990 ** Chamois 2.05 56,511.00
096 Honduras 1990 ** Geoffroy's Spider Monkey 2.89 79,695.00
097 Angola 1990 ** Giant Sable Antelope 3.10 85,491.00
098 Christmas Island 1990 ** Abbott's Booby 2.68 73,899.00
099 Faeroe Islands 1990 ** North Atlantic Whales 2.26 62,307.00
100 Ethiopia 1990 ** Walia Ibex 4.20 115,920.00
101 Trinidad & Tobago 1990 ** Scarlet Ibis 4.15 114,471.00
102 Tonga 1990 ** Banded Iguana 6.98 192,717.00
103 Montserrat 1990 ** Dolphins 1.58 43,470.00
104 Guernsey 1990 ** Guernsey Sea Life 1.89 52,164.00
Year complete 1990 ** 48.04 1,325,835.00
105 Kiribati 1991 ** Whale Shark and Manta Ray 5.25 144,900.00
106 Madeira 1991 ** Madeira Laurel Pigeon 2.10 57,960.00
107 Barbados 1991 ** Yellow Warbler 6.25 172,431.00
108 Mozambique 1991 ** Lichtensteins's Hartebeest 5.25 144,900.00
109 Brunei 1991 ** Proboscis Monkey 5.78 159,390.00
110 New Zealand 1991 ** Tuatara 1.47 40,572.00
111 Namibia 1991 ** Hartmann's Mountain Zebra 3.68 101,430.00
112 Gibraltar 1991 ** Birds of Gibraltar 3.10 85,491.00
113 Bolivia 1991 ** Spectacled Bear 2.63 72,450.00
114 Equatorial Guinea 1991 ** Mandrill 7.35 202,860.00
115 Philippines 1991 ** Philippine Eagle 4.20 115,920.00
116 Uganda 1991 ** African Elephant 3.68 101,430.00
117 Falkland-Inseln 1991 ** King Penguin 3.10 85,491.00
118 Tristan da Cunha 1991 ** Gough Moorhen/Gough Bunting 2.63 72,450.00
119 Malta 1991 ** Migratory Birds of Prey 5.25 144,900.00
120 Italy 1991 **, 2 values Sardinian Deer and Brown Bear 1.58 43,470.00
121 Monaco 1991 ** Hermann's Tortoise 3.15 86,940.00
Year complete 1991 ** 66.41 1,832,985.00
122 Sao Tome&Principe 1992 ** Killer WhaleFalse Killer Whale 3.10 85,491.00
123 Netherl. Antilles 1992 ** White-tailed Deer 2.63 72,450.00
124 South Georgia 1992 ** South Georgia Teal 2.05 56,511.00
125 Ecuador 1992 ** Animals of the Galapagos 2.63 72,450.00
126 Somalia 1992 ** Speke's & Soemmering's Gazelle 5.25 144,900.00
127 Cocos Islands 1992 ** Cocos Buff-banded Rail 1.37 37,674.00
128 Venezuela 1992 ** Red-footed Tort.&River Turtle 2.63 72,450.00
129 Cuba 1992 ** Bee Hummingbird 1.31 36,225.00
130 Ireland 1992 ** Pine Marten 2.52 69,552.00
131 Tuvalu 1992 ** Blue Coral 2.84 78,246.00
132 Niuafo'ou 1992 ** Niuafo'ou Megapode 4.73 130,410.00
133 Burundi 1992 ** Serval 3.57 98,532.00
134 Brit. Antarctic Terr. 1992 ** Antarctic Wildlife 2.10 57,960.00
135 Guinea-Bissau 1992 ** Western Red Colobus 2.05 56,511.00
136 Iceland 1992 ** Gyrfalcon 2.63 72,450.00
Year complete 1992 ** 41.37 1,141,812.00
137 Niue 1993 ** Pacific Dolphins 3.15 86,940.00
138 Brit. Ind. Ocean Terr. 1993 ** Coconut Crab 2.89 79,695.00
139 Guyana 1993 ** Caribbean Manatee 4.15 114,471.00
140 Finland 1993 ** Artic Fox 2.63 72,450.00
142 San Marino 1993 ** Butterflies of San Marino 1.58 43,470.00
143 Moldova 1993 ** Aesculapian Snake 1.58 43,470.00
144 New Zealand 1993 ** Birds of New Zealand 2.05 56,511.00
145 Samoa 1993 ** Fruit Bats 2.63 72,450.00
146 Tanzania 1993 ** Pancake Tortoise 4.15 114,471.00
147 Bahrain 1993 ** Goitered Gazelle 4.15 114,471.00
148 Saint Helena 1993 ** Saint Helena Wirebird 3.68 101,430.00
149 Solomon Islands 1993 ** Nicobar Pigeon 2.36 65,205.00
150 Turkmenistan 1993 ** Caspian Seal 2.84 78,246.00
151 Cayman Islands 1993 ** Grand Cayman Parrot 3.68 101,430.00
152 Alderney 1993 ** Seashore Life 1.58 43,470.00
153 Singapore 1993 ** Chinese Egret 2.63 72,450.00
154 Russia 1993 ** Siberian Tiger 1.00 27,531.00
155 Burkina Faso 1993 ** Red-fronted Gazelle 3.15 86,940.00
156 Uruguay 1993 ** Greater Rhea 1.05 28,980.00
Year complete 1993 ** 50.87 1,404,081.00
157 Aruba 1994 ** Burrowing Owl 1.94 53,613.00
158 Hungary 1994 ** Great Bustard 1.21 33,327.00
159 Palau 1994 ** Estuarine Crocodile 2.63 72,450.00
160 Dominican Republic 1994 ** Hispaniolan Solenodon 2.63 72,450.00
161 Dominica 1994 ** Hercules Beetle 1.58 43,470.00
162 British Virgin Is.1994 ** Anegada Ground Iguana 2.10 57,960.00
163 Kyrgyzstan 1994 ** Snow Leopard 0.79 21,735.00
164 Ghana 1994 ** Diana Monkey 2.68 73,899.00
165 Estonia 1994 ** European Flying Squirrel 2.05 56,511.00
166 Sudan 1994 ** African Wild Ass 4.15 114,471.00
167 Nevis 1994 ** Black Corals 1.68 46,368.00
168 Sierra Leone 1994 ** White-necked Picathartes 2.10 57,960.00
169 Laos 1994 ** Sun Bear 1.37 37,674.00
170 Bulgaria 1994 ** Common Hamster 1.58 43,470.00
171 Azerbaijan 1994 ** Caucasian Black Grouse 2.10 57,960.00
172 Sweden 1994 ** Birds of Sweden 0.00 0.00
173 Romania 1994 ** Sturgeons of Romania 1.58 43,470.00
174 Latvia 1994 ** Edible Dormouse 1.21 33,327.00
175 Antigua & Barbuda 1994 ** Magnificent Frigatebird 2.10 57,960.00
176 Nicaragua 1994 ** Highland Guan 1.58 43,470.00
Year complete 1994 ** 37.01 1,021,545.00
177 Grenada 1995 ** Grenada Dove 2.05 56,511.00
178 Saint Kitts 1995 ** Green Turtle 3.14 86,650.20
179 Mongolia 1995 ** Saiga 1.42 39,123.00
180 Macau 1995 ** Chinese Pangolin 3.15 86,940.00
181 Malaysia 1995 ** Clouded Leopard 1.58 43,470.00
182 Vietnam 1995 ** Asiatic Tapir 3.15 86,940.00
183 Tokelau 1995 ** Pacific Imperial Pigeon 2.63 72,450.00
184 Saint Vincent 1995 ** Masked Booby 2.05 56,511.00
185 Suriname 1995 ** Little Spotted Cat/Jaguarundi 1.94 53,613.00
186 Bahamas 1995 ** Kirtland's Warbler 2.68 73,899.00
187 Belarus 1995 ** European Beaver 0.53 14,490.00
188 Uzbekistan 1995 ** Markhor 1.73 47,817.00
189 Maldives 1995 ** Hawksbill Turtle 3.15 86,940.00
190 Botswana 1995 ** Brown Hyena 1.94 53,613.00
Year complete 1995 ** 31.12 858,967.20
191 Lithuania 1996 ** European Bison 1.05 28,980.00
192 Slovenia 1996 ** European Pond Tortoise 2.05 56,511.00
193 Norfolk Island 1996 ** Norfolk Island Lizards 1.58 43,470.00
194 Tonga 1996 ** Humpback Whale 7.35 202,860.00
195 Aland 1996 ** Eagle Owl 2.68 73,899.00
196 Vanuatu 1996 ** Vanuatu Fruit Bats 1.89 52,164.00
197 Czech Republic 1996 ** Czech Rodents 1.31 36,225.00
198 Tajikistan 1996 ** Pallas's Cat 3.68 101,430.00
199 Seychellen 1996 ** Seychelles Paradise-Flycatcher 1.58 43,470.00
200 Eritrea 1996 ** Beisa Oryx 3.68 101,430.00
201 Togo 1996 ** West African Duikers 3.68 101,430.00
202 Chad 1996 ** North African Ostrich 4.20 115,920.00
203 Jamaica 1996 ** Jamaican Hutia 2.05 56,511.00
204 Gibraltar 1996 ** Red Kit 3.15 86,940.00
205 Indonesia 1996 ** Javan & Sumatran Rhinoceros 1.00 27,531.00
206 Armenia 1996 ** Wild Goat 2.65 73,029.60
207 Pitcairn Island 1996 ** Henderson Island Birds 3.10 85,491.00
208 Zambia 1996 ** Sad.Stork/Black-Cheek.Lovebird 3.68 101,430.00
Year complete 1996 ** 50.32 1,388,721.60
209 Kenya 1997 ** Lake Victoria Cichlid Fishes 8.93 246,330.00
210 Zaire 1997 ** Bonobo 3.52 97,083.00
211 Kazakhstan 1997 ** Marbled Polecat 2.63 72,450.00
212 Nauru 1997 ** Giant Fishes of Nauru 2.63 72,450.00
213 Uganda 1997 ** Rothschild's Giraffe 2.10 57,960.00
214 Cambodia 1997 ** Malayan Elephant 1.42 39,123.00
215 Guernsey 1997 ** Butterflies and Moths 3.15 86,940.00
216 Portugal 1997 ** Pyrenean Desman 1.84 50,715.00
217 Bhutan 1997 ** Dhole 2.10 57,960.00
218 Namibia 1997 ** Jackass Penguin 1.84 50,715.00
218b Congo 1997 ** Golden Potto 2.63 72,450.00
219 Marshall Island 1997 ** Bristle-thighed Curlew 1.58 43,470.00
220 Philippines 1997 ** Spotted Deer & Warty Pig 1.31 36,225.00
221 Belize 1997 ** Black Howler Monkey 2.00 55,062.00
222 Cap Verde 1997 ** Small-toothed Sawfish 4.99 137,655.00
223 Anguilla 1997 ** West Indian Iguana 5.88 162,288.00
224 Fiji 1997 ** Fijian Monkey-faced Bat 3.99 110,124.00
225 Libya 1997 ** African Wild Cat 4.04 111,573.00
226 Ross Dependency 1997 ** Antarctic Seabirds 3.68 101,430.00
227 Panama 1997 ** American Crocodile 2.52 69,552.00
228 Mikronesia 1997 ** Butterfly Fishes 3.68 101,430.00
229 Senegal 1997 ** African Golden Cat 2.36 65,205.00
Year complete 1997 ** 68.78 1,898,190.00
230 Kiribati 1998 ** Pronghorn Spiny Lobster 1.58 43,470.00
231 Mali 1998 ** Crested Porcupine 2.10 57,960.00
232 Turks & Caicos Island 1998 ** Turks & Caicos Snappers 1.89 52,164.00
233 Lesotho 1998 ** Cape Vulture 2.26 62,307.00
234 Bosnia & Herzegov. 1998 ** White Stork 2.52 69,552.00
235 Niuafo'ou 1998 ** Blue crowned Lorikeet 4.46 123,165.00
236 Liberia 1998 ** Liberian Mongoose 3.52 97,083.00
237 Cyprus 1998 ** Cyprus Mouflon 2.63 72,450.00
238 Australia 1998 ** Australian Birds 2.63 72,450.00
239 Comoros 1998 ** Coelacanth 2.52 69,552.00
240 Ukraine 1998 ** Red-breasted Goose 0.79 21,735.00
241 New Caledonia 1998 ** Kagu 1.33 36,804.60
242 Cuba 1998 ** Cuban Parakeet 2.78 76,797.00
243 Somalia 1998 ** Caracal 1.31 36,225.00
244 Afghanistan 1998 ** Urial 3.41 94,185.00
245 North Korea 1998 ** Amur Leopard 1.84 50,715.00
246 Niger 1998 ** Dorcas Gazelle 2.63 72,450.00
247 South Africa 1998 ** South African Cetaceans 2.05 56,511.00
Year complete 1998 ** 42.23 1,165,575.60
248 Greenland 1999 ** Snowy Owl 3.15 86,940.00
249 Niue 1999 ** Nudibranchs of Niue 3.68 101,430.00
250 Ascension 1999 ** Fairy Tern 1.58 43,470.00
251 Barbados 1999 ** Piping Plover 1.58 43,470.00
252 Benin 1999 ** Pythons 3.15 86,940.00
253 Croatia 1999 ** Orsini's Viper 2.05 56,511.00
254 Kyrgyzstan 1999 ** Corsac Fox 2.57 71,001.00
255 Kyrgyzstan Hologram 1999 ** Corsac Fox 2.63 72,450.00
256 Georgia 1999 ** European Mink 2.78 76,797.00
257 Tristan da Cunha 1999 ** Wandering Albatross 2.57 71,001.00
258 Central African Rep. 1999 ** Shoebill 3.15 86,940.00
259 Angola 1999 ** Lesser Flamingo 3.15 86,940.00
260 Madagascar 1999 ** Geckos & Chameleons 2.10 57,960.00
Madagascar 1999 ** error Geckos & Chameleons 8.40 231,840.00
261 Haiti 1999 ** Ground Iguana&Giant Tree-Frog 1.58 43,470.00
262 India 1999 ** Asiatic Lion 3.15 86,940.00
263 Hong Kong 1999 ** Chinese White Dolphin 2.36 65,205.00
264 Montserrat 1999 ** Great Hammerhead Shark 1.67 46,078.20
Year complete 1999 ** 51.28 1,415,383.20
265 Alderney 2000 ** Peregrine Falcon 3.15 86,940.00
266 Tuvalu 2000 ** Sand Tiger Shark 1.73 47,817.00
267 Yugoslavia 2000 ** Partridges 3.41 94,185.00
268 Belgium 2000 ** Belgian Amphibians/Reptils 2.73 75,348.00
269 Djibouti 2000 ** Eritrean Warthog 2.63 72,450.00
270 Mozambique 2000 ** Blue Wildebeest 3.10 85,491.00
271 Israel 2000 ** Blanford's Fox 2.10 57,960.00
272 Isle of Man 2000 ** Birds of Isle Man 2.89 79,695.00
273 Azerbaijan 2000 ** Ferruginous Duck 1.68 46,368.00
274 Vietnam 2000 ** Sao La 1.58 43,470.00
275 Guinea 2000 ** Mangabey & Baboon 1.84 50,715.00
276 Cocos Islands 2000 ** Cocos Islands Crabs 0.95 26,082.00
277 Mongolia 2000 ** Przewalski's Horse 2.63 72,450.00
279 Indonesia 2000 ** Komodo Dragon 1.00 27,531.00
280 Belarus 2000 ** Eurasian Lynx 1.00 27,531.00
281 Nepal 2000 ** Wildlife of Nepal 1.58 43,470.00
Year complete 2000 ** 33.97 937,503.00
282 Aland 2001 ** Steller's Eider 2.36 65,205.00
283 Ethiopia 2001 ** Grevy's Zebra 1.58 43,470.00
284 Bermuda 2001 ** Cahow/White-tailed Tropicbird 1.47 40,572.00
285 Macedonia 2001 ** Imperial Eagle 1.58 43,470.00
286 Swaziland 2001 ** Klipspringer and Oribi 1.42 39,123.00
287 Saint Lucia 2001 ** St. Lucia Birds 1.63 44,919.00
288 Grenada Carriacou 2001 ** Carribean Parrot Fishes 2.42 66,654.00
289 Moldova 2001 ** Corncrake 4.20 115,920.00
292 Armenien 2001 ** Persian Squirrel 2.10 57,960.00
293 Kyrgyzstan 2001 40th Anniversary WWF 3.68 101,430.00
294 Austr. Antarctic Terr. 2001 ** Leopard Seal 2.63 72,450.00
295 Eritrea 2001 ** Aardwolf 2.26 62,307.00
296 Kazakhstan 2001 ** Kulan 1.37 37,674.00
297 Brunei 2001 ** Bulwer's Pheasant 1.31 36,225.00
298 Sao Tomé & Principe 2001 ** Olive Ridley Turtle 3.41 94,185.00
299 Palestine 2001 ** Houbara Bustard 4.20 115,920.00
300 Bequia 2001 ** Leatherback Turtle 2.36 65,205.00
Year complete 2001 ** 39.95 1,102,689.00
301 Malta 2002 ** Mediterranean Seahorses 1.84 50,715.00
302 Solomon Islands 2002 ** Grey Cuscus 2.10 57,960.00
303 Tajikistan 2002 ** Reed Cat 2.63 72,450.00
304 Guinea Bissau 2002 ** African Buffalo 1.21 33,327.00
305 Christmas Island 2002 ** Christmas Island Birds 2.36 65,205.00
306 Ukraine 2002 ** Leopard Snake 2.05 56,511.00
307 Czech Republic 2002 ** Large Blue Butterflies 2.99 82,593.00
308 Tokelau 2002 ** Pelagic Thresher 4.57 126,063.00
309 Argentina 2002 ** Ungulates of Argentina 2.05 56,511.00
310 Congo Kinshasa 2002 ** Grauer's Gorilla 4.73 130,410.00
311 Madeira 2002 ** Turtle Dove 1.58 43,470.00
312 Falkland Islands 2002 ** Falkland Islands Penguins 2.89 79,695.00
313 Aitutaki 2002 ** Tahitian Blue Lorikeet 2.10 57,960.00
314 Mozambique 2002 ** Strip of 4 Savannah Elephant 4.20 115,920.00
315 Saint Helena 2002 ** Sperm Whale 2.10 57,960.00
316 Union Island 2002 ** Shortfin Mako 1.58 43,470.00
317 Niue 2002 ** Small Giant Clam 2.10 57,960.00
318 Antigua & Barbuda 2002 ** Antiguan Racer 1.52 42,021.00
319 Sao Tomé & Principe 2002 ** Olive Ridley Turtle 4.46 123,165.00
Year complete 2002 ** 49.04 1,353,366.00
320 South Georgia 2003 ** Grey-headed Albatross 3.41 94,185.00
321 Seychelles 2003 ** Seychelles Frogs 1.94 53,613.00
322 Penrhyn 2003 ** Ocean Sunfish 3.36 92,736.00
323 Mauritius 2003 ** Mauritius Parakeet 1.84 50,715.00
324 Nauru 2003 ** Anemones 3.15 86,940.00
325 Cyprus 2003 ** Mediterran. Horseshoe Bat 2.63 72,450.00
326 Slovakia 2003 ** Souvenir-Sheet European Wild Cat 2.78 76,797.00
327 Cuba 2003 ** Cuban Crocodile 1.58 43,470.00
328 Papua New Guinea 2003 ** Tree-kangaroos 3.31 91,287.00
329 Poland 2003 ** Osprey 1.37 37,674.00
330 Malawi 2003 ** Puku 2.36 65,205.00
331 Iran 2003 ** Asiatic Cheetah 1.52 42,021.00
332 Cayman Islands 2003 ** Short-finned Pilot Whale 2.57 71,001.00
333 Guyana 2003 ** Toucans 2.33 64,335.60
334 Brit. Antarctic Terr. 2003 ** Blue Whale 3.52 97,083.00
335 Nigeria 2003 ** Side-striped Jackal 2.36 65,205.00
336 Bhutan 2003 ** Souvenir-Sheet Pheasants & Tragopans 1.58 43,470.00
Year complete 2003 ** 41.60 1,148,187.60
337 Serbia & Montenegro 2004 ** Insects of Serbia & Montenegro 2.36 65,205.00
338 Croatia 2004 ** Purple Heron 2.99 82,593.00
339 Fiji 2004 ** Souvenir-Sheet Pacific Tunas 3.68 101,430.00
340 Lesotho 2004 ** Southern Bald Ibis 2.36 65,205.00
341 Oman 2004 ** Arabian Leopard 2.36 65,205.00
342 Afghanistan 2004 ** Himalayan Musk Deer 3.68 101,430.00
343 Azores 2004 ** Marlins 1.58 43,470.00
344 Tristan da Cunha 2004 ** Subantarctic Fur Seal 2.89 79,695.00
345 Jersey 2004 ** Threatened Species of Jersey 3.52 97,083.00
346 Russia 2004 ** Wolverine 1.84 50,715.00
347 Laos 2004 ** Malayan Box Turtle 2.10 57,960.00
348 Bermuda 2004 ** Atlantic Bluefin Tuna 2.57 71,001.00
349 North Korea 2004 ** Swan Goose 2.63 72,450.00
350 Sierra Leone 2004 ** Patas Monkey 2.33 64,335.60
351 Peru 2004 ** Souvenir-Sheet Giant Otter 1.58 43,470.00
352 Belize 2004 ** American Woolly Opossum 3.68 101,430.00
353 Burundi 2004 ** Sitatunga 3.68 101,430.00
354 Bulgaria 2004 ** Giant Sturgeon 2.68 73,899.00
355 Norfolk Island 2004 ** Sacred Kingfisher 2.63 72,450.00
356 Maldives 2004 ** Dragonfish 2.36 65,205.00
357 Philippines 2004 ** Philippine Owls 1.84 50,715.00
358 Ghana 2004 ** African Lion 2.21 60,858.00
359 Angola 2004 ** Black-and-white Colobus 1.31 36,225.00
Year complete 2004 ** 58.82 1,623,459.60
360 Azerbaijan 2005 ** Caucasus Leopard 1.58 43,470.00
361 Dominica 2005 ** Caribs 2.36 65,205.00
362 Vietnam 2005 ** Owston's Banded Civet 1.05 28,980.00
363 Ireland 2005 ** Butterflies of Ireland 4.20 115,920.00
364 Belarus 2005 ** Black Stork 1.47 40,572.00
365 Faeroe Islands 2005 ** Petrels 6.14 169,533.00
366 Cook Islands 2005 ** Landbirds of Cooks Islands 2.89 79,695.00
367 Cocos Islands 2005 ** Sharks 3.15 86,940.00
368 New Zealand 2005 ** Kakapo 1.79 49,266.00
369 Tajikistan 2005 ** Bahral 2.26 62,307.00
370 Micronesia 2005 ** Micronesian Feather Stars 2.26 62,307.00
Micronesia 2005 ** Double wwf (error) 0.00 0.00
371 Liberia 2005 ** Duikers 2.26 62,307.00
372 British Virgin Islands 2005 ** Virgin Islands Boa 2.31 63,756.00
373 Netherlands Antilles 2005 ** Caribbean Corals 4.46 123,165.00
374 Botswana 2005 ** Black-footed Cat 2.63 72,450.00
375 Ivory Coast 2005 ** Speckle-throated Otter 4.52 124,614.00
376 Kiribati 2005 ** Harlequin Shrimp 4.57 126,063.00
378 Jordan 2005 ** Arabian Oryx 2.10 57,960.00
Year complete 2005 ** 51.98 1,434,510.00
379 Barbados 2006 ** Queen Triggerfish 2.47 68,103.00
380 Gibraltar 2006 ** Giant Devil Ray 3.93 108,385.20
381 Palau 2006 ** Chambered Nautilus 1.94 53,613.00
382 Gambia 2006 ** Black-Crowned-Crane 4.62 127,512.00
383 Guinea 2006 ** Chimpanzee 4.20 115,920.00
384 Croatia 2006 ** Little Tern 3.10 85,491.00
385 Australia 2006 ** Australian Whales 3.10 85,491.00
Australia 2006 ** S/S 3.31 91,287.00
386 Montserrat 2006 ** Mountain Chicken Frog 1.21 33,327.00
387 Samoa 2006 ** Humphead Wrasse 3.57 98,532.00
388 Vanuatu 2006 ** Giant Grouper 3.57 98,532.00
389 Romania 2006 ** Eurasian Spoonbill 1.84 50,715.00
390 St. Vincent & The Grenadines 2006 ** Great White Shark 1.58 43,470.00
391 Tuvalu 2006 ** Pygmy Killer Whale 4.73 130,410.00
392 Tanzania 2006 ** Topi 1.47 40,572.00
393 Jamaica 2006 ** Black-billed Amazon 1.84 50,715.00
394 Congo Kinshasa 2006 ** Common Hippo 3.68 101,430.00
395 Falkland Islands 2006 ** Striated Caracara 3.68 101,430.00
396 Togo 2006 ** Senegal Flapshell Turtle 2.36 65,205.00
Year complete 2006 ** 56.16 1,550,140.20
397 Armenia 2007 ** Four-toed Tortoise 1.31 36,225.00
398 Bahamas 2007 ** Blainville's Beaked Whale 1.31 36,225.00
399 Pitcairn Islands 2007 ** Pitcairn Islands Seabirds 3.83 105,777.00
400 Slovenia 2007 ** 33 x 25 mm Red Squirrel 2.26 62,307.00
400 Slovenia 2007 ** 40 x 30 mm Red Squirrel 2.63 72,450.00
401 Ascension 2007 ** Resplendent Angelfish 3.94 108,675.00
402 Serbia 2007 ** Black Woodpecker 1.63 44,919.00
403 Saint Kitts 2007 ** Tiger Shark 2.10 57,960.00
404 Panama 2007 ** Red-backed Squirrel Monkey 1.05 28,980.00
405 Georgia 2007 ** Greater Spotted Eagle 2.05 56,511.00
406 Grenada 2007 ** Clymene Dolphin 1.52 42,021.00
407 Nevis 2007 ** Rainbow Parrotfish 1.64 45,208.80
408 Australian Antarctic Territory 2007 ** Royal Penguin 2.63 72,450.00
409 Central Africa Republic 2007 ** African Civet & Common Genet 3.68 101,430.00
410 Iran 2007 ** Siberian Crane 0.79 21,735.00
411 Ucraina 2007 ** Great white Pelican 1.84 50,715.00
412 Tokelau 2007 ** Pacific Golden Plover 3.41 94,185.00
413 Turks & Caicos Islands 2007 ** Red-tailed Hawk 2.10 57,960.00
Year complete 2007 ** 39.70 1,095,733.80
414 Nigeria 2008 ** Cross River Gorilla 2.36 65,205.00
415 Macedonia 2008 MS** (2 sets) Eurasian Hoopoe 6.30 173,880.00
415 Macedonia 2008 Eurasian Hoopoe 3.15 86,940.00
416 Laos 2008 ** White-handed Gibbon 2.89 79,695.00
417 Latvia 2008 ** Pond Bat / Western Barbastelle 2.31 63,756.00
418 Libya 2008 ** Rueppel's Fox 1.84 50,715.00
419 Zambia 2.31 63,756.00
420 Uganda 2008 ** Spotted Hyaena 1.94 53,613.00
421 South Georgia 2008 ** Chinstrap Penguin 3.41 94,185.00
422 Lithuania 2.36 65,205.00
423 Guinea 3.36 92,736.00
424 Seychelles 0.95 26,082.00
425 Nauru 2.36 65,205.00
426 Penrhyn 2.47 68,103.00
427 Saint Lucia 5.78 159,390.00
428 Tobago 2.36 65,205.00
429 Aitutaki 3.15 86,940.00
430 BIOT 4.73 130,410.00
Year complete 2008 54.02 1,491,021.00
431 Sao Tome 6.04 166,635.00
432 Comoros 4.15 114,471.00
433 Australia 3.31 91,287.00
434 Kyrgyzstan 2.36 65,205.00
435 Mayreau 3.62 99,981.00
436 Grenada Carriacou 3.62 99,981.00
437 Tajikistan 2.10 57,960.00
438 Samoa 3.57 98,532.00
439 Guinea 4.57 126,063.00
440 Malawi 2.36 65,205.00
441 North Korea 2.36 65,205.00
442 Bhutan 2.10 57,960.00
443 British A Terr. 5.20 143,451.00
444 Palau 2.00 55,062.00
445 Falkland Islands 4.10 113,022.00
446 0.00 0.00
447 Vanuatu 3.68 101,430.00
448 Nevis 2.63 72,450.00
449 Micronesia 2.00 55,062.00
450 Antigua & Barbuda 3.41 94,185.00
Year complete 2009 ** 63.16 1,743,147.00

Collection of WWF stamps 1983-het nam 2009: Euro 1,408.35 = VND 38,870,584.20

hoavienquanbl 01-06-2009 12:41

goi Vietvinh
Tôi cần Chim dử (chim ăn thịt)
Sinh vật biển
Tem và MC
Mua từ từ bây giờ mua năm 1883 đến 2000 bạn tính xem bao nhiêu tiển

hoavienquanbl 01-06-2009 12:50

goi Vietvinh
Đây là mail của Đài
Vĩnh nhớ mail sớm cho mình nhé

wwf_stamp 21-04-2010 15:02

Hôm nay tui có post lên Ebay bảng giá tem WWF (tem sống) từ năm 1983 đến bây giờ (tổng cộng là 451 bộ), trị giá 1.442 Euro = 37.506.000đ (theo tỉ giá 1 Euro = 26.000đ), các bạn chơi tem WWF có thể in ra để tham khảo.

Cat. Year / Country / Description Animal / Euro / VND

001 Sierra Leone 1983 ** Chimpanzee 3,00 78.000
002 Anguilla 1983 ** Sea Turtles 14,50 377.000
003 Hungary 1983 **, 7 values Birds of Prey 1,50 39.000
004 Uganda 1983 ** African Elephant 2,55 66.300
005 Palau 1983 ** Great Whales 1,75 45.500
006 Centr. Africa 1983 ** Black Rhinoceros 3,00 78.000
007 Belize 1983 ** Jaguar 2,50 65.000
Year complete 1983 ** 28,80 748.800
008 Laos 1984 ** Tiger 3,55 92.300
009 Dominica 1984 ** Birds of the Caribbean 10,00 260.000
010 Grenada 1984 ** Coral Reef Fish 7,50 195.000
011 Gambia 1984 ** Nile Crocodile 21,00 546.000
012 Bhutan 1984 ** Golden Langur 1,80 46.800
013 Brazil 1984 **, 2 values Muriqui 1,45 37.700
014 Upper Volta 1984 ** Cheetah 2,50 65.000
015 Ghana 1984 ** Bongo 3,50 91.000
016 Netherlands 1984 ** 1 value Giant Panda 0,35 9.100
017 Togo 1984 ** West African Manatee 4,50 117.000
018 Zaire 1984 ** Okapi 3,00 78.000
019 Jamaica 1984 ** Jamaican Boa 26,00 676.000
020 Chile 1984 ** Conservation in Chile 6,50 169.000
021 Liberia 1984 ** Pygmy Hippopotamus 2,85 74.100
022 Romania 1984 ** Dalmatian Pelican 1,75 45.500
Year complete 1984 ** 96,25 2.502.500
023 Paraguay 1985 ** Ant-eating Giants 10,00 260.000
024 Rwanda 1985 ** Mountain Gorilla 5,85 152.100
025 China 1985 ** Giant Panda 1,95 50.700
026 Poland 1985 ** Wolf 0,95 24.700
027 Niger 1985 ** Desert Antelopes 7,50 195.000
028 Mongolia 1985 ** Bactrian Camel 2,10 54.600
029 Mauritius 1985 ** Pink Pigeon 13,75 357.500
030 Seychelles (ZES) 1985 ** Aldabra Giant Tortoise 11,95 310.700
031 Ivory Coast 1985 ** Zebra Duiker 17,85 464.100
032 Afghanistan 1985 ** Leopard 2,20 57.200
033 Nicaragua 1985 ** Central American Tapir 1,95 50.700
Year complete 1985 ** 76,05 1.977.300
034 Lesotho 1986 ** Lammergeier 2,95 76.700
035 Marshall Islands 1986 ** Coral Life 2,50 65.000
036 Senegal 1986 ** Dama Gazelle 2,95 76.700
037 Mauritania 1986 ** Mediterranean Monk Seal 3,70 96.200
038 Cape Verde 1986 ** Desert Island Lizards 22,50 585.000
039 Sri Lanka 1986 ** Ceylonese Elephant 14,25 370.500
040 Mali 1986 ** Giant Eland 9,00 234.000
041 Maldives 1986 ** Fish of the Maldives 1,95 50.700
042 Turks + Caicos Is. 1986 ** Turks & Caicos Ground Iguana 5,00 130.000
043 Saint Kitts 1986 ** Green Monkey 9,50 247.000
044 Cambodia 1986 ** Cambodian Cattle 5,00 130.000
Year complete 1986 ** 79,30 2.061.800
045 Congo 1987 ** Crocodiles of the Congo 4,45 115.700
046 Libya 1987 ** Slender-horned Gazelle 4,50 117.000
047 Malawi 1987 ** Wattled Crane 3,95 102.700
048 Comoros 1987 ** Mongoose Lemur 5,00 130.000
049 Antigua & Barbuda 1987 ** Antiguan Attractions 2,00 52.000
050 USSR 1987 ** Polar Bear 1,00 26.000
051 Swaziland 1987 ** White Rhinoceros 8,50 221.000
052 German Dem.Rep. 1987 ** European Otter 0,95 24.700
053 Vietnam 1987 ** Douc Langur and Black Gibbon 1,20 31.200
054 North Korea 1987 ** Mandarin Duck 1,95 50.700
055 Norfolk Island 1987 ** Green Parrot 5,50 143.000
056 Saint Lucia 1987 ** Saint Lucia Parrot 5,00 130.000
057 Zambia 1987 ** Black Lechwe 3,45 89.700
058 Guinea 1987 ** African Wild Dog 3,45 89.700
Year complete 1987 ** 50,90 1.323.400
059 Yugoslavia 1988 ** Brown Bear 2,50 65.000
060 Portugal 1988 ** Iberian Lynx 2,20 57.200
061 Gabon 1988 ** African Forest Elephant 5,00 130.000
062 Vanuatu 1988 ** Dugong 3,50 91.000
063 South Korea 1988 ** White-naped Crane 2,35 61.100
064 Austria 1988 ** 1 value European Bee-eater 0,50 13.000
066 Bahamas 1988 ** West Indian Whistling Duck 6,50 169.000
067 Cameroon 1988 ** Drill 2,95 76.700
068 Botswana 1988 ** Red Lechwe 2,95 76.700
069 Algeria 1988 ** Barbary Macaque 3,00 78.000
070 Papua New Guinea 1988 ** Queen Alexandra's Butterfly 3,00 78.000
071 Mexico 1988 ** Monarch Butterfly 2,00 52.000
072 Fiji 1988 ** Fiji Tree Frog 7,00 182.000
073 British Virgin Island 1988 ** Brown Pelican 5,50 143.000
074 Chad 1988 ** Barbary Sheep 4,00 104.000
075 El Salvador 1988 ** Ocelot and Margay 3,50 91.000
Year complete 1988 ** 56,45 1.467.700
076 Tanzania 1989 ** Zanzibar Galago 3,00 78.000
077 Benin 1989 ** Roseate Tern 2,95 76.700
078 Bulgaria 1989 ** Bats of Bulgaria 1,50 39.000
079 Indonesia 1989 ** Orangutan 5,50 143.000
080 Jersey 1989 ** Jersey Wildlife 2,00 52.000
081 Saint Vincent 1989 ** Saint Vincent Parrot 2,85 74.100
082 South Yemen 1989 ** Desert Carnivores 4,50 117.000
083 Liechtenstein 1989 ** Conservation of Liechtenstein 1,30 33.800
084 Kenya 1989 ** Reticulated Giraffe 6,00 156.000
085 Czechoslovakia 1989 ** Czechoslovakian Amphibians 1,50 39.000
086 Isle of Man 1989 ** Seabirds 1,50 39.000
087 Cook Islands 1989 ** Birds of the Cook Islands 6,00 156.000
088 Pakistan 1989 ** Himalayan Black Bear 1,30 33.800
Year complete 1989 ** 39,90 1.037.400
089 Guyana 1990 ** Harpy Eagle 3,65 94.900
090 Bangladesh 1990 ** Gharial 2,50 65.000
091 Nevis 1990 ** Queen Conch 2,50 65.000
092 Azores 1990 ** Sao Miguel Bullfinch 2,50 65.000
093 Micronesia 1990 ** Birds of Micronesia 2,95 76.700
094 Ascension 1990 ** Ascension Frigatebird 6,95 180.700
095 Albania 1990 ** Chamois 3,50 91.000
096 Honduras 1990 ** Geoffroy's Spider Monkey 4,95 128.700
097 Angola 1990 ** Giant Sable Antelope 2,95 76.700
098 Christmas Island 1990 ** Abbott's Booby 2,55 66.300
099 Faeroe Islands 1990 ** North Atlantic Whales 2,15 55.900
100 Ethiopia 1990 ** Walia Ibex 4,95 128.700
101 Trinidad & Tobago 1990 ** Scarlet Ibis 3,95 102.700
102 Tonga 1990 ** Banded Iguana 3,50 91.000
103 Montserrat 1990 ** Dolphins 6,50 169.000
104 Guernsey 1990 ** Guernsey Sea Life 1,80 46.800
Year complete 1990 ** 57,85 1.504.100
105 Kiribati 1991 ** Whale Shark and Manta Ray 5,00 130.000
106 Madeira 1991 ** Madeira Laurel Pigeon 2,00 52.000
107 Barbados 1991 ** Yellow Warbler 5,95 154.700
108 Mozambique 1991 ** Lichtensteins's Hartebeest 2,50 65.000
109 Brunei 1991 ** Proboscis Monkey 6,65 172.900
110 New Zealand 1991 ** Tuatara 1,40 36.400
111 Namibia 1991 ** Hartmann's Mountain Zebra 3,25 84.500
112 Gibraltar 1991 ** Birds of Gibraltar 2,95 76.700
113 Bolivia 1991 ** Spectacled Bear 2,85 74.100
114 Equatorial Guinea 1991 ** Mandrill 4,25 110.500
115 Philippines 1991 ** Philippine Eagle 4,00 104.000
116 Uganda 1991 ** African Elephant 2,95 76.700
117 Falkland-Inseln 1991 ** King Penguin 2,95 76.700
118 Tristan da Cunha 1991 ** Gough Moorhen/Gough Bunting 2,50 65.000
119 Malta 1991 MS** (4 sets) Migratory Birds of Prey 5,00 130.000
120 Italy 1991 **, 2 values Sardinian Deer and Brown Bear 1,50 39.000
121 Monaco 1991 ** Hermann's Tortoise 2,00 52.000
Year complete 1991 ** 57,70 1.500.200
122 Sao Tome&Principe 1992 ** Killer WhaleFalse Killer Whale 2,95 76.700
123 Netherl. Antilles 1992 ** White-tailed Deer 2,50 65.000
124 South Georgia 1992 ** South Georgia Teal 1,95 50.700
125 Ecuador 1992 ** Animals of the Galapagos 3,50 91.000
126 Somalia 1992 ** Speke's & Soemmering's Gazelle 5,00 130.000
127 Cocos Islands 1992 ** Cocos Buff-banded Rail 2,50 65.000
128 Venezuela 1992 ** Red-footed Tort.&River Turtle 2,50 65.000
129 Cuba 1992 ** Bee Hummingbird 1,25 32.500
130 Ireland 1992 ** Pine Marten 5,00 130.000
131 Tuvalu 1992 ** Blue Coral 2,70 70.200
132 Niuafo'ou 1992 ** Niuafo'ou Megapode 4,90 127.400
133 Burundi 1992 ** Serval 3,90 101.400
134 Brit. Antarctic Terr. 1992 ** Antarctic Wildlife 2,00 52.000
135 Guinea-Bissau 1992 ** Western Red Colobus 1,95 50.700
136 Iceland 1992 ** Gyrfalcon 2,50 65.000
Year complete 1992 ** 45,10 1.172.600
137 Niue 1993 4 MS** (9) Pacific Dolphins 3,00 78.000
138 Brit. Ind. Ocean Terr. 1993 ** Coconut Crab 2,75 71.500
139 Guyana 1993 ** Caribbean Manatee 3,50 91.000
140 Finland 1993 ** Artic Fox 2,50 65.000
141 Gambia 1993 ** Long-tailed Pangolin 4,50 117.000
142 San Marino 1993 ** Butterflies of San Marino 1,70 44.200
143 Moldova 1993 ** Aesculapian Snake 1,95 50.700
144 New Zealand 1993 ** Birds of New Zealand 2,50 65.000
145 Samoa 1993 ** Fruit Bats 2,25 58.500
146 Tanzania 1993 ** Pancake Tortoise 3,95 102.700
147 Bahrain 1993 ** Goitered Gazelle 3,95 102.700
148 Saint Helena 1993 ** Saint Helena Wirebird 3,50 91.000
149 Solomon Islands 1993 ** Nicobar Pigeon 2,25 58.500
150 Turkmenistan 1993 ** Caspian Seal 3,00 78.000
151 Cayman Islands 1993 ** Grand Cayman Parrot 2,15 55.900
152 Alderney 1993 ** Seashore Life 1,70 44.200
153 Singapore 1993 ** Chinese Egret 2,50 65.000
154 Russia 1993 ** Siberian Tiger 0,95 24.700
155 Burkina Faso 1993 4 MS** (8) Red-fronted Gazelle 3,00 78.000
156 Uruguay 1993 ** Greater Rhea 1,75 45.500
Year complete 1993 ** 53,35 1.387.100
157 Aruba 1994 ** Burrowing Owl 1,85 48.100
158 Hungary 1994 ** Great Bustard 1,15 29.900
159 Palau 1994 ** Estuarine Crocodile 2,50 65.000
160 Dominican Republic 1994 ** Hispaniolan Solenodon 2,50 65.000
161 Dominica 1994 ** Hercules Beetle 2,00 52.000
162 British Virgin Is.1994 ** Anegada Ground Iguana 2,00 52.000
163 Kyrgyzstan 1994 ** Snow Leopard 0,90 23.400
164 Ghana 1994 MS** (3 sets) Diana Monkey 2,55 66.300
165 Estonia 1994 ** European Flying Squirrel 1,95 50.700
166 Sudan 1994 ** African Wild Ass 3,50 91.000
167 Nevis 1994 ** Black Corals 2,95 76.700
168 Sierra Leone 1994 ** White-necked Picathartes 3,00 78.000
169 Laos 1994 ** Sun Bear 2,00 52.000
170 Bulgaria 1994 ** Common Hamster 1,50 39.000
171 Azerbaijan 1994 ** Caucasian Black Grouse 2,00 52.000
172 Sweden 1994 ** Birds of Sweden 3,00 78.000
173 Romania 1994 ** Sturgeons of Romania 1,65 42.900
174 Latvia 1994 ** Edible Dormouse 1,15 29.900
175 Antigua & Barbuda 1994 ** Magnificent Frigatebird 2,00 52.000
176 Nicaragua 1994 ** Highland Guan 1,50 39.000
Year complete 1994 ** 41,65 1.082.900
177 Grenada 1995 ** Grenada Dove 2,00 52.000
178 Saint Kitts 1995 ** Green Turtle 3,50 91.000
179 Mongolia 1995 ** Saiga 2,00 52.000
180 Macau 1995 ** Chinese Pangolin 2,50 65.000
181 Malaysia 1995 ** Clouded Leopard 1,50 39.000
182 Vietnam 1995 ** Asiatic Tapir 2,00 52.000
183 Tokelau 1995 ** Pacific Imperial Pigeon 2,85 74.100
184 Saint Vincent 1995 ** Masked Booby 3,35 87.100
185 Suriname 1995 ** Little Spotted Cat/Jaguarundi 1,85 48.100
186 Bahamas 1995 ** Kirtland's Warbler 2,55 66.300
187 Belarus 1995 ** European Beaver 0,90 23.400
188 Uzbekistan 1995 ** Markhor 1,65 42.900
189 Maldives 1995 ** Hawksbill Turtle 3,00 78.000
190 Botswana 1995 ** Brown Hyena 1,85 48.100
Year complete 1995 ** 31,50 819.000
191 Lithuania 1996 ** European Bison 2,00 52.000
192 Slovenia 1996 ** European Pond Tortoise 1,95 50.700
193 Norfolk Island 1996 ** Norfolk Island Lizards 2,00 52.000
194 Tonga 1996 ** Humpback Whale 7,00 182.000
195 Aland 1996 ** Eagle Owl 2,95 76.700
196 Vanuatu 1996 ** Vanuatu Fruit Bats 2,50 65.000
197 Czech Republic 1996 ** Czech Rodents 2,00 52.000
198 Tajikistan 1996 ** Pallas's Cat 2,95 76.700
199 Seychellen 1996 ** Seychelles Paradise-Flycatcher 2,25 58.500
200 Eritrea 1996 ** Beisa Oryx 3,50 91.000
201 Togo 1996 ** West African Duikers 3,00 78.000
202 Chad 1996 ** North African Ostrich 3,15 81.900
203 Jamaica 1996 ** Jamaican Hutia 1,95 50.700
204 Gibraltar 1996 ** Red Kit 4,50 117.000
205 Indonesia 1996 ** Javan & Sumatran Rhinoceros 1,15 29.900
206 Armenia 1996 ** Wild Goat 1,95 50.700
207 Pitcairn Island 1996 ** Henderson Island Birds 3,50 91.000
208 Zambia 1996 ** Sad.Stork/Black-Cheek.Lovebird 3,50 91.000
Year complete 1996 ** 51,80 1.346.800
209 Kenya 1997 ** Lake Victoria Cichlid Fishes 8,50 221.000
210 Zaire 1997 ** Bonobo 3,35 87.100
211 Kazakhstan 1997 ** Marbled Polecat 2,65 68.900
212 Nauru 1997 ** Giant Fishes of Nauru 1,70 44.200
213 Uganda 1997 ** Rothschild's Giraffe 2,50 65.000
214 Cambodia 1997 ** Malayan Elephant 1,95 50.700
215 Guernsey 1997 ** Butterflies and Moths 2,25 58.500
216 Portugal 1997 ** Pyrenean Desman 2,00 52.000
217 Bhutan 1997 ** Dhole 2,00 52.000
218 Namibia 1997 ** Jackass Penguin 1,70 44.200
218b Congo 1997 ** Golden Potto 2,95 76.700
219 Marshall Island 1997 ** Bristle-thighed Curlew 2,00 52.000
220 Philippines 1997 ** Spotted Deer & Warty Pig 1,50 39.000
221 Belize 1997 ** Black Howler Monkey 2,35 61.100
222 Cap Verde 1997 ** Small-toothed Sawfish 4,00 104.000
223 Anguilla 1997 ** West Indian Iguana 2,85 74.100
224 Fiji 1997 ** Fijian Monkey-faced Bat 2,50 65.000
225 Libya 1997 ** African Wild Cat 2,55 66.300
226 Ross Dependency 1997 ** Antarctic Seabirds 3,00 78.000
227 Panama 1997 ** American Crocodile 2,50 65.000
228 Mikronesia 1997 ** Butterfly Fishes 3,50 91.000
229 Senegal 1997 ** African Golden Cat 2,75 71.500
Year complete 1997 ** 61,05 1.587.300
230 Kiribati 1998 ** Pronghorn Spiny Lobster 2,00 52.000
231 Mali 1998 ** Crested Porcupine 2,30 59.800
232 Turks & Caicos Island 1998 ** Turks & Caicos Snappers 2,70 70.200
233 Lesotho 1998 ** Cape Vulture 2,55 66.300
234 Bosnia & Herzegov. 1998 ** White Stork 2,40 62.400
235 Niuafo'ou 1998 ** Blue crowned Lorikeet 6,25 162.500
236 Liberia 1998 ** Liberian Mongoose 3,35 87.100
237 Cyprus 1998 ** Cyprus Mouflon 2,40 62.400
238 Australia 1998 ** Australian Birds 2,50 65.000
239 Comoros 1998 ** Coelacanth 2,40 62.400
240 Ukraine 1998 MS** (2 sets) Red-breasted Goose 0,95 24.700
241 New Caledonia 1998 ** Kagu 1,95 50.700
242 Cuba 1998 ** Cuban Parakeet 2,00 52.000
243 Somalia 1998 ** Caracal 1,25 32.500
244 Afghanistan 1998 ** Urial 2,00 52.000
245 North Korea 1998 ** Amur Leopard 1,75 45.500
246 Niger 1998 ** Dorcas Gazelle 2,00 52.000
247 South Africa 1998 ** South African Cetaceans 2,50 65.000
Year complete 1998 ** 43,25 1.124.500
248 Greenland 1999 ** Snowy Owl 2,70 70.200
249 Niue 1999 ** Nudibranchs of Niue 2,50 65.000
250 Ascension 1999 ** Fairy Tern 2,00 52.000
251 Barbados 1999 ** Piping Plover 2,25 58.500
252 Benin 1999 ** Pythons 1,75 45.500
253 Croatia 1999 ** Orsini's Viper 2,00 52.000
254 Kyrgyzstan 1999 ** Corsac Fox 2,50 65.000
255 Kyrgyzstan Hologram 1999 ** Corsac Fox 2,85 74.100
256 Georgia 1999 ** European Mink 2,25 58.500
257 Tristan da Cunha 1999 ** Wandering Albatross 2,45 63.700
258 Central African Rep. 1999 MS** (4 sets) Shoebill 2,85 74.100
259 Angola 1999 ** Lesser Flamingo 2,55 66.300
260 Madagascar 1999 ** Geckos & Chameleons 3,50 91.000
261 Haiti 1999 ** Ground Iguana&Giant Tree-Frog 2,25 58.500
262 India 1999 ** Asiatic Lion 3,85 100.100
263 Hong Kong 1999 ** Chinese White Dolphin 2,25 58.500
264 Montserrat 1999 ** Great Hammerhead Shark 1,75 45.500
Year complete 1999 ** 42,25 1.098.500
265 Alderney 2000 ** Peregrine Falcon 3,60 93.600
266 Tuvalu 2000 ** Sand Tiger Shark 1,15 29.900
267 Yugoslavia 2000 ** Partridges 3,25 84.500
268 Belgium 2000 ** Belgian Amphibians/Reptils 2,60 67.600
269 Djibouti 2000 ** Eritrean Warthog 3,95 102.700
270 Mozambique 2000 ** Blue Wildebeest 3,95 102.700
271 Israel 2000 ** Blanford's Fox 2,45 63.700
272 Isle of Man 2000 ** Birds of Isle Man 2,75 71.500
273 Azerbaijan 2000 ** Ferruginous Duck 2,00 52.000
274 Vietnam 2000 MS** (2 sets) Sao La 1,00 26.000
275 Guinea 2000 ** Mangabey & Baboon 2,50 65.000
276 Cocos Islands 2000 ** Cocos Islands Crabs 2,76 71.760
277 Mongolia 2000 ** Przewalski's Horse 2,75 71.500
278 Mongolia 2000 Hologram ** Przewalski's Horse 2,50 65.000
279 Indonesia 2000 ** Komodo Dragon 1,00 26.000
280 Belarus 2000 MS** (2 sets) Eurasian Lynx 1,95 50.700
281 Nepal 2000 ** Wildlife of Nepal 2,75 71.500
Year complete 2000 ** 42,91 1.115.660
282 Aland 2001 ** Steller's Eider 2,25 58.500
283 Ethiopia 2001 ** Grevy's Zebra 1,50 39.000
284 Bermuda 2001 ** Cahow/White-tailed Tropicbird 1,35 35.100
285 Macedonia 2001 ** Imperial Eagle 1,55 40.300
286 Swaziland 2001 ** Klipspringer and Oribi 1,65 42.900
287 Saint Lucia 2001 ** St. Lucia Birds 1,50 39.000
288 Grenada Carriacou 2001 ** Carribean Parrot Fishes 2,30 59.800
289 Moldova 2001 ** Corncrake 4,00 104.000
290 Brazil 2001 ** Souvenir-Sheet Brazil Parrots 3,00 78.000
291 Brit. Ind. Ocean Terr. 2001 ** Sea Stars 3,50 91.000
292 Armenien 2001 ** Persian Squirrel 1,85 48.100
293 Kyrgyzstan 2001 40th Anniversary WWF 3,50 91.000
294 Austr. Antarctic Terr. 2001 ** Leopard Seal 3,50 91.000
295 Eritrea 2001 ** Aardwolf 2,15 55.900
296 Kazakhstan 2001 ** Kulan 1,75 45.500
297 Brunei 2001 ** Bulwer's Pheasant 1,85 48.100
298 Sao Tomé & Principe 2001 ** Olive Ridley Turtle 3,25 84.500
299 Palestine 2001 ** Houbara Bustard 3,25 84.500
300 Bequia 2001 ** Leatherback Turtle 2,25 58.500
Year complete 2001 ** 45,95 1.194.700
301 Malta 2002 ** Mediterranean Seahorses 1,75 45.500
302 Solomon Islands 2002 ** Grey Cuscus 2,00 52.000
303 Tajikistan 2002 ** Reed Cat 2,50 65.000
304 Guinea Bissau 2002 ** African Buffalo 2,00 52.000
305 Christmas Island 2002 ** Christmas Island Birds 2,25 58.500
306 Ukraine 2002 ** Leopard Snake 1,95 50.700
307 Czech Republic 2002 ** Large Blue Butterflies 2,85 74.100
308 Tokelau 2002 ** Pelagic Thresher 4,35 113.100
309 Argentina 2002 ** Ungulates of Argentina 2,00 52.000
310 Congo Kinshasa 2002 MC Grauer's Gorilla 4,50 117.000
311 Madeira 2002 ** Turtle Dove 1,65 42.900
312 Falkland Islands 2002 ** Falkland Islands Penguins 2,75 71.500
313 Aitutaki 2002 ** Tahitian Blue Lorikeet 4,00 104.000
314 Mozambique 2002 ** Strip of 4 Savannah Elephant 4,50 117.000
315 Saint Helena 2002 ** Sperm Whale 2,00 52.000
316 Union Island 2002 ** Shortfin Mako 1,95 50.700
317 Niue 2002 ** Small Giant Clam 2,40 62.400
318 Antigua & Barbuda 2002 ** Antiguan Racer 1,45 37.700
319 Sao Tomé & Principe 2002 ** Olive Ridley Turtle 6,00 156.000
Year complete 2002 ** 52,85 1.374.100
320 South Georgia 2003 ** Grey-headed Albatross 3,25 84.500
321 Seychelles 2003 ** Seychelles Frogs 2,00 52.000
322 Penrhyn 2003 ** Ocean Sunfish 3,20 83.200
323 Mauritius 2003 ** Mauritius Parakeet 1,95 50.700
324 Nauru 2003 ** Anemones 3,00 78.000
325 Cyprus 2003 ** Mediterran. Horseshoe Bat 2,75 71.500
326 Slovakia 2003 ** Souvenir-Sheet European Wild Cat 2,65 68.900
327 Cuba 2003 ** Cuban Crocodile 1,50 39.000
328 Papua New Guinea 2003 MS** (4 sets) Tree-kangaroos 3,15 81.900
329 Poland 2003 ** Osprey 1,65 42.900
330 Malawi 2003 ** Puku 2,25 58.500
331 Iran 2003 ** Asiatic Cheetah 1,45 37.700
332 Cayman Islands 2003 ** Short-finned Pilot Whale 2,45 63.700
333 Guyana 2003 ** Toucans 2,25 58.500
334 Brit. Antarctic Terr. 2003 MS** (4 sets) Blue Whale 3,35 87.100
335 Nigeria 2003 ** Side-striped Jackal 2,50 65.000
336 Bhutan 2003 ** Souvenir-Sheet Pheasants & Tragopans 1,65 42.900
Year complete 2003 ** 41,00 1.066.000
337 Serbia & Montenegro 2004 ** Insects of Serbia & Montenegro 2,25 58.500
338 Croatia 2004 ** Purple Heron 2,85 74.100
339 Fiji 2004 ** Souvenir-Sheet Pacific Tunas 3,15 81.900
340 Lesotho 2004 ** Southern Bald Ibis 2,25 58.500
341 Oman 2004 ** Arabian Leopard 2,40 62.400
342 Afghanistan 2004 ** Himalayan Musk Deer 4,10 106.600
343 Azores 2004 ** Marlins 1,50 39.000
344 Tristan da Cunha 2004 ** Subantarctic Fur Seal 2,75 71.500
345 Jersey 2004 ** Threatened Species of Jersey 3,35 87.100
346 Russia 2004 ** Wolverine 1,75 45.500
347 Laos 2004 ** Malayan Box Turtle 3,00 78.000
348 Bermuda 2004 ** Atlantic Bluefin Tuna 2,45 63.700
349 North Korea 2004 ** Swan Goose 2,50 65.000
350 Sierra Leone 2004 ** Patas Monkey 2,50 65.000
351 Peru 2004 ** Souvenir-Sheet Giant Otter 1,50 39.000
352 Belize 2004 ** American Woolly Opossum 3,50 91.000
353 Burundi 2004 ** Sitatunga 3,75 97.500
354 Bulgaria 2004 ** Giant Sturgeon 2,15 55.900
355 Norfolk Island 2004 ** Sacred Kingfisher 3,75 97.500
356 Maldives 2004 ** Dragonfish 2,25 58.500
357 Philippines 2004 ** Philippine Owls 1,50 39.000
358 Ghana 2004 ** African Lion 2,50 65.000
359 Angola 2004 ** Black-and-white Colobus 2,40 62.400
Year complete 2004 ** 60,10 1.562.600
360 Azerbaijan 2005 ** Caucasus Leopard 1,50 39.000
361 Dominica 2005 ** Caribs 2,25 58.500
362 Vietnam 2005 ** Owston's Banded Civet 1,00 26.000
363 Ireland 2005 ** Butterflies of Ireland 4,00 104.000
364 Belarus 2005 ** Black Stork 1,95 50.700
365 Faeroe Islands 2005 ** Petrels 6,25 162.500
366 Cook Islands 2005 ** Landbirds of Cooks Islands 2,75 71.500
367 Cocos Islands 2005 ** Sharks 3,15 81.900
368 New Zealand 2005 ** Kakapo 1,75 45.500
369 Tajikistan 2005 ** Bahral 3,00 78.000
370 Micronesia 2005 ** Micronesian Feather Stars 2,00 52.000
371 Liberia 2005 ** Duikers 2,50 65.000
372 British Virgin Islands 2005 ** Virgin Islands Boa 2,20 57.200
373 Netherlands Antilles 2005 ** Caribbean Corals 4,25 110.500
374 Botswana 2005 ** Black-footed Cat 2,50 65.000
375 Ivory Coast 2005 ** Speckle-throated Otter 3,50 91.000
376 Kiribati 2005 ** Harlequin Shrimp 4,00 104.000
377 Solomon Islands 2005 ** Prehinsile-tailed Skink 2,50 65.000
378 Jordan 2005 ** Arabian Oryx 2,00 52.000
Year complete 2005 ** 53,05 1.379.300
379 Barbados 2006 ** Queen Triggerfish 2,35 61.100
380 Gibraltar 2006 ** Giant Devil Ray 3,00 78.000
381 Palau 2006 ** Chambered Nautilus 2,50 65.000
382 Gambia 2006 ** Black-Crowned-Crane 5,50 143.000
383 Guinea 2006 ** Chimpanzee 5,00 130.000
384 Croatia 2006 ** Little Tern 4,00 104.000
385 Australia 2006 ** Australian Whales 4,00 104.000
386 Montserrat 2006 ** Mountain Chicken Frog 1,70 44.200
387 Samoa 2006 ** Humphead Wrasse 4,50 117.000
388 Vanuatu 2006 ** Giant Grouper 4,95 128.700
389 Romania 2006 ** Eurasian Spoonbill 2,00 52.000
390 St. Vincent & The Grenadines 2006 ** Great White Shark 2,50 65.000
391 Tuvalu 2006 ** Pygmy Killer Whale 5,50 143.000
392 Tanzania 2006 ** Topi 2,25 58.500
393 Jamaica 2006 ** Black-billed Amazon 2,20 57.200
394 Congo Kinshasa 2006 ** Common Hippo 6,00 156.000
395 Falkland Islands 2006 ** Striated Caracara 5,00 130.000
396 Togo 2006 ** Senegal Flapshell Turtle 3,50 91.000
Year complete 2006 ** 66,45 1.727.700
397 Armenia 2007 ** Four-toed Tortoise 1,25 32.500
398 Bahamas 2007 ** Blainville's Beaked Whale 1,15 29.900
399 Pitcairn Islands 2007 ** Pitcairn Islands Seabirds 4,50 117.000
400 Slovenia 2007 ** 33 x 25 mm Red Squirrel 2,50 65.000
401 Ascension 2007 ** Resplendent Angelfish 3,75 97.500
402 Serbia 2007 ** Black Woodpecker 2,25 58.500
403 Saint Kitts 2007 ** Tiger Shark 2,00 52.000
404 Panama 2007 ** Red-backed Squirrel Monkey 1,50 39.000
405 Georgia 2007 ** Greater Spotted Eagle 3,00 78.000
406 Grenada 2007 ** Clymene Dolphin 1,45 37.700
407 Nevis 2007 ** Rainbow Parrotfish 1,95 50.700
408 Australian Antarctic Territory 2007 ** Royal Penguin 2,50 65.000
409 Central Africa Republic 2007 ** African Civet & Common Genet 4,50 117.000
410 Iran 2007 ** Siberian Crane 1,45 37.700
411 Ucraina 2007 ** Great white Pelican 1,45 37.700
412 Tokelau 2007 ** Pacific Golden Plover 3,50 91.000
413 Turks & Caicos Islands 2007 ** Red-tailed Hawk 1,95 50.700
Year complete 2007 ** 40,65 1.056.900
414 Nigeria 2008 ** Cross River Gorilla 2,25 58.500
415 Macedonia 2008 Eurasian Hoopoe 3,00 78.000
416 Laos 2008 ** White-handed Gibbon 2,75 71.500
417 Latvia 2,85 74.100
418 Libya 2008 ** Rueppel's Fox 2,50 65.000
419 Zambia 2,75 71.500
420 Uganda 1,85 48.100
421 South Georgia 4,25 110.500
422 Lithuania 2,25 58.500
423 Guinea Bissau 3,20 83.200
424 Seychelles 0,95 24.700
425 Nauru 3,25 84.500
426 Penrhyn 3,00 78.000
427 Saint Lucia 6,00 156.000
428 Trinidad & Tobago 2,25 58.500
429 Aitutaki 3,00 78.000
430 British Indian… 4,50 117.000
Year complete 2008 ** 50,60 1.315.600
431 Sao Tome 7,00 182.000
432 Comoros 4,50 117.000
433 Australia 3,85 100.100
434 Kyrgyzstan 2,25 58.500
435 Mayreau 4,50 117.000
436 Grenada Carriciou 4,50 117.000
437 Tajikistan 2,00 52.000
438 Samoa 4,00 104.000
439 Guinea 5,25 136.500
440 Malawi 2,80 72.800
441 North Korea 2,25 58.500
442 Bhutan 2,00 52.000
443 British Antartic.. 4,95 128.700
444 Palau 1,90 49.400
445 Falkland Islands 4,90 127.400
446 Maldives 2,65 68.900
447 Vanuatu 4,50 117.000
448 Nevis 2,50 65.000
449 Micronesia 1,90 49.400
450 Antigua & Barbados 3,65 94.900
Year complete 2009 ** 71,85 1.868.100
451 Mozambique 4,00 104.000
452 0

Year complete 2010 ** 4,00 104.000

Collection of WWF stamps 1983-now 1.442,56 37.506.560

Riêng giá collection Maxicards thì rẻ hơn collection tem sống 1 ít, còn mua những bộ rẻ (giá 50.000d/bộ) thì mình có hơn 180 bộ khác nhau bán với giá này: 50.000d/bộ

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Cơ quan chủ quản: Câu lạc bộ sưu tập tem Viet Stamp (VSC)
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